Aurifil 8wt Collection Indelible €88.60 TAKING BOOKINGS!!!
Stock: 12 in stock
€5.00 aur8wt
Aurifil are launching a second 8wt thread collection with a lovely new selection of bright colours in their 8wt threads. The Indelible Collection complements their previous Evolve collection earlier in the year and has a new selection of colours.
The 8wt thread is great for hand quilting, embroidery, cross stitch and embellishment. It is a lovely heavy thread and a must have for all sewing enthusiasts.
The collection is being released for shipping in October 2024. The cost is €88.60 for the collection with 20 small spools of 8wt threads. I am taking bookings now as I will only be ordering enough to fill the demand. A €5 deposit is payable now to order your collection of 8wt threads.
Include 1 in the box to book your collection of threads.